
  A glimpse of Ayurvedic Bhasma pariksha and modern analytical techniques for bhasmas Ayurvedic bhasma pariksha and modern analytical techniques both aim to ensure the quality and efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines, particularly bhasmas (ash or calx). Here’s a comparison of these traditional and modern methods: Ayurvedic Bhasma Pariksha Bhasma pariksha involves a series of traditional tests to ascertain the quality and readiness of the bhasma for medicinal use. Some of these tests include: Rekhapurnatva (Finger Line Test): When bhasma is rubbed between fingers, it should enter the fine lines on the skin, indicating fineness and proper particle size. Varitaratva (Floating Test): A small quantity of bhasma is sprinkled on water; it should float, showing its lightness and proper preparation. Nischandratva (Luster Test): The bhasma should be devoid of any metallic luster, indicating the complete transformation of metal into bhasma. Apunarbhavatva (Non-re
  Knowing ORAC and Anti-oxidant potential of Curcumin A lot is being talked about on various social media platforms about the ORAC. But what is ORAC? How many people are aware of this? ORAC, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity assay, is a method developed by the scientist at the National Institute of Health (NIH) to quantify the antioxidant capacity of food in a laboratory set-up. Though a lot of groundwork is yet to be required to establish the correlation between the ORAC value of foods and their health benefits, it is considered to be significant by some of the experts as a measure of anti-oxidant effectiveness. It is said higher the ORAC value, high will be the anti-oxidant capacity and hence more free radicals are cleared out of our body. We all are aware of Oxidative stress. It is nothing but an imbalance between the production and elimination of free radicals or Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) that results in damage to cells and tissues. This causes the decline of immune power
  All about Curcumin Turmeric is seen almost everywhere right from the kitchen to the physician’s clinic. Turmeric is an inevitable part of Indian cooking. You might have come across this beautiful golden spice in your grandma’s recipe of Turmeric milk, soups, and smoothies, and even in chocolate bars and cakes. Have you ever wondered what magic, this potion is doing to your body when you are sipping it over a discussion in a cafeteria or enjoying the fair share of your turmeric-enriched goodies with your family?   Turmeric, also known as the “Spice of Life” has its roots spread back to the Vedic culture. This cherished cousin of Ginger yields saffron-colored rhizomes used widely in cooking, dyeing, and cosmetics. This vibrant orange-yellow colored wonder ingredient possesses a warm bitter taste with an earthy fragrance and hue of pungency. Coined as the king of spices, turmeric is a quick fix for most of your health problems. This magic herb possesses implausible benefits that m


 This is Dr. sarika patil